If you've ever wondered about one of the ways to pay for whole life insurance with a single lump sum, tune in to this short and sweet episode for everything you need to know about premium deposit funds.
Is it ever appropriate to not pay a premium for a long time? A "Single-premium" whole life policy is designed for one premium, and that's it. As usual, there are significant tradeoffs to this type of design, the biggest of which concerns taxes.
In episode 87, we talk about the risks of looking at base whole life premium and paid up additional life insurance (PUA) as separate considerations during the buying process. Treating base premium as the baseline commitment and PUA as a 'stretch target' can lead to unfulfilled expectations and p…
In this episode, we are honored to be joined by David Stearns, Director of the Nelson Nash Institute (NNI). The NNI was started by R. Nelson Nash, the founder and creator of The Infinite Banking Concept ™. Lean more about the official home of IBC at InfiniteBanking.org. Tune in to this great dis…
Main Episode Description With funding life insurance for IBC, a little-know fact is that you can only buy so much. Many people are already familiar with MEC (Modified Endowment Contract) limits that limit how much premium you can pay relative to the death benefit. But there is also a limit on…
Most people think PUA = Cash value. And while it can look this way in an illustration, that's not exactly true. In this episode, we'll discuss the often misunderstood PUA rider, base-to-PUA premium ratios, and how designing policies with PUA as the primary (or only) focus can lead to significant…
There is a ton of information about Infinite Banking out there and opinions about "correctly-designed" policies probably top the list. We want to help you cut through the noise and help you understand what an "IBC Style" policy should be.
Payment duration is a hotly debated topic amongst life insurance agents and there is a lot of confusing, contradictory advice out there. Today, we are going to weigh in on the matter and help explain these policy design approaches and how they pertain to the Infinite Banking Concept®.
The “Catch Up Provision” in the PUA rider of many whole life policies allows you to catch up with missed PUA premium from prior years. This is a critical feature with whole life insurance and, more broadly, Infinite Banking.
A question we are often asked by new clients, just starting their IBC journey is "how much should I fund a policy?" Or "How much does it cost?" The real question should be: "How much do you want to save?"
How can you put a large lump sum of cash in a whole life insurance policy? In this episode, we will discuss two strategies and the possible tradeoffs.
One of the classic mistakes people make before deciding to implement Infinite Banking is focusing on the cash value growth. We encounter it all the time. As Nelson would say, "You're majoring in the minors!" Though it is init...