Regulatory Episodes

May 6, 2023

1035 Exchanges and Infinite Banking

Real estate investors are familiar with the idea of a 1031 exchange that allows them to exchange like-for-like value from one real estate asset to another without paying capital gains tax. Similarly, you can exchange permanent life insurance polices using a 1035 exchange without creating a tax obli…

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Feb. 1, 2023

The Life Insurance Application Process

Applying for life insurance can be somewhat daunting but it doesn't have to be. With an experienced advisor it is possible to navigate the underwriting process with ease. Even if you have some pre-existing conditions. Tune in to this episode and learn all about the application process for IBC wh…

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Sept. 20, 2022

Do the Financial Rules Still Apply?

This week, we tackle a listener question: “Will the traditional rules of finance hold strong or will the rules change in the next 40 years?” Tune in to hear John and John , Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioners, break down what the “rules” actually are. They show you what’s behind the cur…

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Jan. 1, 2022

IBC And The Fear Of Inflation

One of the biggest talking points in 2021 has been inflation with government reported CPI at numbers not seen since the early 1980's. Will inflation be "transitory" as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated or is it here to stay? More importantly for Infinite Banking, does IBC still make sense going int…

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Nov. 20, 2021

What Is Different With the 7702 Changes to Life Insurance

At the end of last year, December 2020, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act. In addition to its many stimulus measures, it contained a provision that affects permanent life insurance products like the ones we endorse for Infinite Banking. Have the so-called 7702 changes affected …

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